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Code of Conduct

Summary of Contents

This document, hereinafter referred to as “the Code”, is a guideline for exceptional performance. It is intended to communicate the Go Logistics employee credo, encompassing core operating principles.

GO Logistics Inc., hereinafter referred to as “Go Logistics” or “the Company”, its Employees, hereinafter referred to as “GO Logistics Personnel” or ”We”, its affiliates or subsidiaries, and others performing work for GO Logistics or on its behalf, hereinafter referred to as “Partners”, are expected to act lawfully, honestly, ethically, and in the best interests of the Company while performing their roles as outlined in their respective Employment Agreement, hereinafter referred to as “Duties”.

Code Guidelines

If We are uncertain whether our conduct or the conduct of other GO Logistics Personnel complies with this document, hereinafter referred to as “the Code”, We will contact a supervisor, Manager, or member of the Human Resources department for clarification.

The Code applies to all GO Logistics Personnel, including management, independent operators acting on behalf of GO Logistics, and contingent workers (e.g. agency workers, contractors and consultants) and others working on GO Logistics’ behalf. The Code is subject to change and may be amended, supplemented or superseded by one or more separate policies.

If any part of the Code conflicts with local laws or regulations, only the sections of the Code permitted by applicable laws and regulations will apply. Any sections that specifically apply to the governing jurisdiction will take precedence to the extent they conflict with the Code.

I. Accountability

We will be accountable to our Partners and one another at all times.

Beyond just doing our job, accountability means being reliable and doing what we say we’ll do. Total accountability includes an obligation to make things better, to pursue excellence and to do things that further the goals of the Company, while remaining responsible for our actions and those of the teams we manage.

II. Respect

We will treat our Partners and colleagues with decency and respect.

This principle is rooted in Go Logistics’ core value of treating others precisely as We would like to be treated. This empathetic approach will guide all communication, both internally and externally. Decency and respect should be evident in each interaction to establish a high corporate standard for service delivery.

III. Professionalism

We will treat our Partners and one another in a professional manner.

This will apply to all regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender, age, ability, marital status, or sexual preference. This encompasses the use of respectful tone, language, and focused attention in the performance of our Duties.

We will refrain from unprofessional or harassing behaviour, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Making physical contact when such contact is unwelcomed, unexpected, or unwanted;
  • Using abusive or inappropriate language, gestures, or images; or,
  • Making any romantic advances regardless of provocation

IV. Confidentiality

We will protect all Company information and practices.

Remaining confidential will govern our actions throughout the performance of our Duties in accordance with the Employment Agreement.

We will assume that all information we have access to in the furtherance of our Duties is strictly confidential and not for dissemination to any third party unless where expressly requested by the Company.

V. Conflict of Interest

We will avoid situations that could compromise the Company.

Specifically, this refers to situations where personal interests may directly or indirectly conflict with Company responsibilities. All conduct will be in an ethical manner, ensuring that we respectfully remove ourselves, the Company, or other Go Logistics Personnel from such conflict wherever possible. Such situations would include circumstances where our motives could reasonably be questioned, or conflicted in a manner that could compromise objectivity.

As such, We will never:

  • Attempt to entice a public official to enact, defeat, or violate any law or regulation;
  • Provide gifts, meals or entertainment that could be construed as an offer in exchange for benefits;
  • Accept gifts, meals or entertainment in exchange for special treatment of any person or entity;
  • Provide services for a competitor, supplier, or client in any capacity; or,
  • Engage in a personal relationship with a supervisor or subordinate

If We find ourselves or discover other Go Logistics Personnel in a situation that involves any such conflict, we will immediately notify management or the Human Resources department.

VI. Equipment & Resources

We will display proper judgment and restraint with equipment and resources.

With access to a variety of resources supplied by the Company, it is imperative that we manage them efficiently. Physical resources such as; cars, vans, trucks, phones, in addition to intangible assets such as; pricing schedules, software, or data, are supplied by the Company to aid in the performance of our Duties. We will apply good judgment in how we use these resources. This includes refraining from instances materially similar to, or otherwise summarized below:

  • Making personal calls from phones provided by the Company, except when essential or approved;
  • Using office equipment, services or supplies for personal purposes; or,
  • Using scheduled work time, or Company resources, facilities or other assets for charitable or political activities

VII. Integrity

We will conduct ourselves with sincerity and trustworthiness at all times.

This applies to our interpersonal communications and external interactions on behalf of the Company. It is important that we display honesty and integrity at all times in order to maintain the proper image for the Company in keeping with our values.

The Company shall respect and maintain high regard for the personal property of GO Logistics Personnel and expects the same in return regarding all assets, including the assets of our Partners.

VIII. Honesty

We shall be completely honest with each other at all times.

The Company expects that We will act in full honesty and disclosure during the course of our Duties. When trust is abused, the Company employs a Zero Tolerance policy. Theft and any form of intentional deception is not tolerated under any circumstance.

If anyone (including visitors, contractors or guests) is found to have engaged or collaborated in theft or pilfering of any kind, they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The confirmed perpetrator will be subject to immediate suspension, and/or termination of employment.

The Company relies on diligence and honesty in reporting all work activities when carrying out responsibilities in either of the following manners:

  • Making payments to Go Logistics Personnel (salary or otherwise);
  • Billing clients or Partners for services rendered;
  • Reimbursing certain expenses; or,
  • Recording Go Logistics’ financials

Go Logistics Personnel will:

  • Accurately record time spent working, including any breaks or other time off work;
  • Seek reimbursement for expenses only, in accordance with the Company policy;
  • Accurately represent the time and effort expended in furtherance of the Company's objectives

IX. Punctuality

We will abide by scheduling, timing and outlined working conditions.

The Company carefully plans and schedules staffing to be fair, consistent, and in keeping with the Employment Agreement. Strict adherence to schedules is relied upon in order to deliver exceptional service to partners. We are expected to review work schedules and abide by them, raising any objections confidentially with management or Human Resources as far in advance as possible.

In the event that terms of employment dictate shift or rotating schedule format(s), We will respect the scheduling decisions made by management. We will not, without prior communication and approval from our supervisor:

  • Be unexpectedly absent or tardy from work;
  • Cease work prior to the time we are expected to finish; or,
  • Take excessive or unscheduled breaks

In the odd circumstance where an unexpected schedule change is necessary, We will request consideration from our manager and be fully abide by any resulting decisions made.

X. Personal Attire

We will adhere to a high professional standard at all times.

We will uphold our personal attire in a professional, sophisticated, functional, and appropriate manner for Duties outlined in the Employee Agreement.

We understand that personal appearance and grooming represent the Company and will adhere to the Business and Business Casual definitions outlined in the Dress Code Policy.

We understand that during certain occasions, relaxed Dress Code rules may apply at the discretion of and upon specific notification by management. Specifically, We will not wear the following items during the performance of our Duties:

  • Dirty, tattered or disheveled clothes or shoes;
  • Attire which is too revealing or otherwise inappropriate; or,
  • Attire which contains potentially offensive words or images

XI. Banned Substances

We will remain fully coherent during the performance of our Duties.

Out of respect for the Company and its Partners, We will maintain complete awareness at all times, unaltered by the consumption of illicit or banned substances during or immediately preceding the performance of our Duties.

We will maintain a safe and healthy office environment. Certain substances and activity do not belong in such an environment. As a result, we will refrain from any of the following:

  • Smoking or the use of any tobacco and cannabis products in any of our facilities where prohibited;
  • Possessing, selling, or using drugs or any alcohol on or near our work premises;
  • Working under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or,
  • Participating in any gambling, other criminal or inappropriate activity

In the event that any of these responsibilities are violated or suspected to be violated (including reasonable suspicion of the possession of banned substances), the Company may request immediate vacation of the premises and/or in the case of a serious or repeat violation, terminate employment.